Saturday, February 16, 2008

Why I have the best job in the world!

Every day I get to wake up and go fight for children who often have no one to stand up for them. I also get paid to play! On Friday, I spent most of the day playing a grammar game with many of my 17 students who are spread out through the school. It was one of those days when we spent a lot of time testing and most of the classrooms were in the midst of a huge dose of busy work. I have a "classroom" that consists of a table out in the hall. We played the game and I really saw that several of my students had finally "understood" some very important concepts. When it was nearly time for dismissal, one little boy came up to me and gave me a big hug. He actually said to me, " Thank you for a wonderful day!" Sure I have piles of paperwork and no one really respects how hard our job really can be but you know what? Who cares! I have touched the future and it felt pretty good to me!


dsmith said...

Wow we still have such human beings who feel and work for the weak. How many kind people we have of this kind. I wonder

Mom of 3 said...

Amen...Keep up the great work!
Kids need you and they are the future...