Tuesday, January 1, 2008

A place to begin!

Let me start with a simple explanation of how I arrived here. When I was in First Grade, my teacher, Mrs. Walker (I wish you were out there!) notified my two bewildered parents that I, their first and most precious little girl was probably Mentally Retarded. Why? I do not know exactly but I can now attribute this entirely to my ADD which at that time was unknown. I then went on to get an education and now hold an M.Ed. and am working towards my doctorate. I also tend to be a wildly over the top advocate for children in my life and in my profession as a Special Education Teacher. Thank You very much Mrs. Walker! You unintentionally made the world a better place for quite a few kids!

I am a rebel by nature and I feel that this goes along quite nicely with my job and "this life that chose me called being the parent of two Special Needs children." I have been proudly dismissed from one Autism related parents listserve for sticking up for parents. I believe that most of the things that Special Needs children benefit from the most do not cost thousands of dollars and lead families to even further financial difficulty but come from the heart and are conducted by intelligent people who care.

This is where I begin my year. I am going to use my love and expertise to help parents realize that many of the best interventions available cost very little and are everywhere we look. So without further ado, here is to every child out there that just need someone to try! Try to look inside of their souls! Try to look at their problems and come up with simple solutions. Smile at them when they walk past and make them feel that they have something uniquely wonderful to add to the world because they do!

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